SMTP Configuration
WISECP uses the "PHPMailer" library as standard for email submissions.
How do I define SMTP information?
1) Follow your path to Admin Area > Settings > Mail to define the SMTP settings.
2) On the page that opens, select "Standard SMTP" as "Activated Module" and save.
3) Click the "Standard SMTP" button on the left side of the same page.
4) On the page that opens, you can define your server's SMTP information.
You can check the validity of the information you enter by clicking on the "Test Connection" button. If applicable, a successful message will return. If a valid SMTP information is used, email submissions will be performed successfully.
If you are unable to successfully pass the connection test, this means that your SMTP information is not valid. Free services such as Yandex and Gmail may not be compatible with the PHPMailer library. Therefore, it is recommended to use the SMTP information for the server your website is connected to. All necessary tests and controls on the availability and stabilization of the SMTP system have been made beforehand. If you are having a problem with this, you need to contact the service provider you received the mail service.
If you think your SMTP information is correct and valid, you can download any SMTP form available from any website on Google, define your SMTP information and try to send e-mails. If there is no problem with your SMTP credentials, you should be able to send an email through your sample SMTP form.
Spamming of sent e-mails
If the email notifications sent by the system fall into the spam box of your customers, this means that your server IP address is registered in blacklists. This is often a problem you might encounter if you use shared hosting. You can contact your hosting service provider for a solution or consider using a paid mail server service.
Paid mail server (SMTP) services
WISECP is integrated with services that offer premium mail delivery services other than standard SMTP for email submissions. When you use a paid mail delivery service, email notifications sent by the system can be delivered directly to your customers ' inbox. Check the left side of the Admin Area > Settings > Mail page to see the Integrated mail services.