Usage Guide and Documentation

renewal() - Domain Name Renewal

It is used to renew Domain name registration.


  • $params Provides the value of [options] index in the $order variable in the class.
  • $domain Full domain name, example: com
  • $sld Domain name, example: example
  • $tld Extension of domain name, example: com
  • $year Annual period of domain name, example: 1 or 10
  • $oduedate Specifies former expiry date of domain name. (Date Format: Y-M-D H:i:s)
  • $nduedate Specifies new expiry date of domain name. (Date Format: Y-M-D H:i:s)

Retrieval Value;

Boolean (true or false) should be retrieved.

public function renewal($params=[],$domain='',$sld='',$tld='',$year=1,$oduedate='',$nduedate=''){
    $domain   = idn_to_ascii($domain,0,INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46);
    $sld      = idn_to_ascii($sld,0,INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46);
    // Successful: true, Failed: false
    return true;